“The so-called rules of photographic composition are, in my opinion, invalid, irrelevant and immaterial” – Ansel Adams These images are strictly for my own amusement, and anyone else' who might find them somewhat interesting, one way or the other. However, I might suggest that you respect my copyright of them, as my attorney has zero sense of humour, somewhat like a junk yard dog. Your comments are welcomed as long as they are respectful. Thank you.
Monday, 11 December 2023
Peace on Earth.....
Friday, 13 October 2023
Back Yard Abstract.....
Saturday, 30 September 2023
Fruit & Flowers Still Life.....
This image was the result of enjoying about 3 baskets of really delicious peaches that were locally grown. It is the time of year when local produce is available on the grocery store shelves, as well as many roadside stands all over Essex County here in South Western Ontario. When the urge hit me to do a little studio still life photography, this is the end result.....a little food for the body and mind. Hopefully some will find it enjoyable.....Cheers!
Monday, 7 August 2023
Rosebuds Illustration....
Saturday, 29 July 2023
Hosta Blossoms Still Life
Friday, 28 July 2023
Portrait of a Talented Lady.....
Thursday, 27 July 2023
Fleeting Innocence Captured.....
Abstract Art.....
Tonight I got to experimenting a bit with using some high ISO settings on the camera. In the old days, we called it ASA, and I find myself still saying that....but I digress. Anyway, I had been doing a bit of research on some of the "expert" reviews online about my recently purchased used Minolta 500 mm f8 AF lens. If I were to believe the various opinions of these guys, it was a piece of junk, and not worth much. But being the stubborn headstrong type, I bought it anyway. So, I put the thing on my SONY a900 camera, jacked the ISO/ASA out to 6400, and proceeded to take a few ambiant light shots hand held, in my cave. The lighting was provided by some LED garage lights.....nothing too fancy for this little test. Anyway, the resulting image is very sharp, and had very little done to it in Photoshop, except resizing for this blog. The sharpness of this lens was more than I had expected, and I had certainly expected to see a lot more noise at ISO 6400. I usually shoot almost everything at ISO 100,,,, The image is just a very small portion, about 1/6 of the entire painting, which was done by our daughter many years ago. I rescued it from the attic to help improve the ambiance of my cave... hope you enjoy this image a litle. Cheers!
Saturday, 15 July 2023
Rain Drops on a Rose.....
Monday, 5 June 2023
Rose Buds.....
Anyway, this image is the first ones taken with my "new to me" Minolta 500mm f8 AF lens that I picked up last week for a very reasonable price from B&H in New York. It is an item that I did not really need, but always wanted. There have been a lot of discussion and controversy about a mirror lens VS an optics lens. If I were to buy a 500 mm optical lens, it would cost me North of $5000.00 for a good used one. However this mirror lens set me back less than $300.00 and while it is a used lens, it is in pristine condition. But, but but, it gives ugly donut shaped rings in the out of focus areas of the background....well true, but that all depends on what you are aiming it at. It takes a bit of getting used to, and at a fixed aperture of f8, a tripod is a very useful tool indeed. To me, there are a lot of folks who are somewhat neurotic when it comes to grain, noise, or donut rings in the "bokeh" area of an image. To my feeble mind, there is no such thing as perfection, and it is more important to just enjoy an image, warts and all. Sometimes, when confronted with some undesirable element that might crop up in an image, it for me, is an opportunity to try to arrive at something different, unusual and satisfying. It is an enjoyable way to pass a little time, to work on an image, and see what can be made of it, that might be a bit unusual, or even beautiful....to some viewers eyes at least. Whew! A bit long winded tonight eh? Cheers folks!
Camera: SONY a77ll
Lens: Minolta 500mm f8 AF mirror lens
Specs: 1/360 sec. @ f8 hand held
Monday, 8 May 2023
Monet's Tulip.....
It is starting to look and feel a lot like Spring is happening now, so tonight, my offering to everyone is this little tulip that is growing beside our neighbour's driveway. The mix of red, yellow and orange made for a very colourful image, and I thought that I would try to render it as something that possibly Monet might paint. The tulip was photographed in Illustration mode on my camera, and then the image was worked on a bit in Corel Painter Essentials 8, to give it a bit of an impressionist feel. It's not perfect, but it was a fun way to clear the mind at the end of a day. So this is my little offering to start the month of May....enjoy the flowers folks....like us, they are only here for a little while. Cheers!
Monday, 17 April 2023
Gerbera Daisy.....
Sunday, 26 March 2023
Shivering Sparrow.....
Saturday, 25 February 2023
Bird Feeder Glitters.....
Yesterday morning, the first thing that met my eyes when I looked out the kitchen window, was this scene. We had had an ice storm during the night, and everything was encased in ice. When I was a little lad, I used to look forward to the many ice storms we had back home during the Winter, as we would put on our skates and skate all over the neighbourhood. After an ice storm, when everything was encased in ice, it was often just shimmering in the sunlight, and we would call it the "glitters"....hence the title for my posting tonight. Unfortunately, it was an overcast and dreary day, so there isn't much "shimmering" going on in this image. Regardless, I hope you enjoy it anyway....Cheers!