Another year is winding down, and it went by rather quickly. We get so busy with the many medical appointments that goes with the territory of getting older, that we hardly notice the passage of time. It took a while for it to hit me that I am now in my 80's, and learning to accept is a large part of coping with things now. As the song says, I hurt now in places I used to play, pretty much sums it all up.....anyway, it is what it is. Tonight, I thought I would do a little image for the Christmas and New Year, but for obvious reasons, the wishing of a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year seems somewhat trite, given that there are two major wars going on at present. Added to that, there are homeless folks living in tents, in communities large and small, from coast to coast in the country. Sooner or later the piper must be paid, and it is usually someone else who foots the bill, instead of the ones responsible.....but I won't go there, except to say that in 1981, I found myself having to renew a mortgage at 23.5%, up from 4.75%, and guess the sole income wage earner for the family, the same thing happened to ain't fun! So this year, my heart goes out to folks who through no fault of their own, find that they are caught up in the machinations of life that are beyond their control, and having to visit the local food banks for something resembling a Christmas Dinner for their families. I cannot bring myself to wish folks a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year this year, but instead would offer wishes for Hope and Peace on Earth....Cheers!