Saturday, 22 February 2025

Floral Illustration....


This little image is my first one for 2025, and is somewhat belated, due to the fact that Covid paid me a visit the day after last Boxing Day. It knocked me/us down for at least 5 weeks, and to say that it leaves you feeling somewhat drained afterward is putting it mildly. We were fortunate to have family and friends that checked in on us, and this little floral arrangement was brought to us by our neighbour Terri. She is a very creative person and  great to have living close by. When I finally got around to picking up the camera again, I chose to photograph the things around me that expended the least amount of effort on my part....yes, I'm a lazy photographer, or at least I seem to have become that lately. Anyway, tonight I decided to play around with one of the shots that I took of the bouquet sitting on the coffee table. It was photographed with my camera set to Illustration mode, and then after editing, I took it over to Corel Painter Software, where I was able to add a bit of an impressionist feel to the image. This is what I settled on, and I find it enjoyable to look at. I just might print it out on some textured paper and throw a frame on it as well. Hope you enjoy, and here's wishing Cheers and Good Health to everyone......


  1. Beautiful Poppee❤️

    1. Anonymous21:18:00

      Hey Abby, glad you enjoyed it. Cheers! Poppee

  2. David c h Brown21:21:00

    Hey Abby, I am having trouble replying tonight, so I thought I would try again. Take care. Poppee
