Sunday 20 December 2020

Lake Nipissing Beach.....

 This is a beach scene that was originally taken on Black & White film. It was never printed before, and for some reason, I decided to scan it and turn it into something resembling an ink drawing illustration. There is a lot of anti noise discussion these days, and the pros and cons of noise in photos. Personally, I don't see the trouble with it. Adding a little noise to certain images gives it a bit of interest and texture, but that is just my opinion, for what that is worth. We used to use ASA 3200 film for some portraiture in by gone years, and that would just not cut it these days. The grain in the images when developed, resembled a coarse grade sand paper. It provided some much needed variations to images, usually shot at a much lower ASA or ISO. Pushing the pixels per inch count up to around 100, makes images look very unnatural to my eye. It no longer looks like a photograph, and to my way of thinking, that is just pushing a good thing too far. But, whatever floats your boat I guess. Anyway, I got out my old Mamiya RB67 last evening, and dusted it off, and cleaned it up. The shutters in the lenses all work great, and I will be shooting some medium format Black & White in the near future hopefully.....yup, back to the darkroom has me bored to tears lately, and it will be nice to actually "make" a photograph again. Cheers everyone! See you after Christmas.....

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