Saturday, 18 September 2021

Trinity, NFLD Scene.....

The last time I visited "HOME" was back in 2015, and I spent a good deal of my vacation on the Avalon. It was solace for the soul to say the least. When we arrived in Trinity, the first scene I saw when I stepped out of the car was this one. I immediately fired off a shot, as I knew I liked what I saw, but did not spend much time thinking about it. Tonight, I converted it from colour to Black & White, and I think I prefer this variant best. Even though I was raised in a city, and lived most of my life in mainland cities, I have always, to this day, been a bayman at heart. For me, this image is full of texture, but then, no surprise, Newfoundland is full of textures on so many levels that I could go on for an hour or more with that train of thought. But I will spare you... anyway, this image makes me feel like the Newfoundland that I grew up knowing, is still there. Hopefully it will be for a while longer, and hopefully I will make it back at least one more time.....Cheers! 

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